Staurinz 25mg Capsule consists of the active ingredient Midostaurin. It is a chemotherapy medicine indicated to treat adults with acute myeloid leukemia that is caused due to the defect in the gene called FLT3.
Acute myeloid leukemia occurs when a type of white blood cells called myeloid cells are produced in an enormous amount by the body. This medicine is also recommended for patients with cancer in mast cells, which happens due to the production of too many mast cells (a type of White Blood Cells).
Uses of Staurinz 25mg Capsule :
Staurinz 25mg Capsule is indicated to treat the following conditions:
Use as directed
Treatment of Blood cancer
Side effects are unwanted symptoms caused by medicines. Even though all drugs cause side effects, not everyone gets them.
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Shelcal - HD Tablet helps to treat Calcium deficiency that leads to weak bones as the body will start using calcium from the bone. The right amount of Vitamin D, Calcium, and Phosphorus is important for building and keeping strong bones. Shelcal - HD Tablet helps to treat Calcium deficiency that leads to weak bones as the body will start using calcium from the bone. The right amount of Vitamin D, Calcium, and Phosphorus is important for building and keeping strong bones.
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